1-3 Worksheet - TEST TUESDAY, AUGUST 24th
1. What is a melody?
2. Each melody has its own distinct character:
Range, Contour, and Interval
What is a range?
What is a contour?
What is an interval?
3. What is the difference between a conjunct and a
disjunct melody?
4. Each melody is made up of 4 units: Phrases,
Cadences, Climax, and Countermelody
What is a Phrase?
What is a Cadence?
What is a Climax?
d. What is a Countermelody?
5. What is the difference between a conclusive
cadence and an inconclusive cadence?
6. ___________ moves music forward in time.
7. In what type music would you find syncopation?
8. What is the basic unit of rhythm?
9. What is a meter?
10. The ____________ is the first beat in a measure.
It receives the strongest accent.
11. The ______________ is the last beat of the
measure. It typically receives the weakest accent.
12. Name the three simple meters discussed in class.
13. ___________ is the deliberate upsetting of the
normal pattern of accents (off-beat)
14. ___________ is the simultaneous use of
rhythmic patterns that conflict with the underlying beat.
15. ____________________ meter has no sense of a
beat or meter.
16. ______________ is the combination of sounds that
supports the melody and adds depth to music using ____________________,
________________, and _________________.
17. What is dissonance? What is consonance?
18. ___________ is when two or more tones are
sounded together.
19. What is a triad?
20. Write out triads beginning with:
a. C d. E
b. A e. D
c. G. f. B
21. Harmonies or chords can either sound ___________
or ___________.
22. How does the structure of a melody compare with
the form of a sentence?
23. How is melody a horizontal idea while harmony is
a vertical concept?
24. What makes a melody memorable and unique?
5.Give an example of how a composer can use dissonance and consonance to convey emotions.
5.Give an example of how a composer can use dissonance and consonance to convey emotions.
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