Saturday, September 12, 2015

Chapter 4 Study Guide - Test Tuesday, September 15th

Chapter 4 - The Organization of Musical Sounds
1.       What is an octave?
a.       Interval of an 8th
2.       Write the pitch names for the notes of the musical alphabet (2 octaves)?
a.       A B C D E F G A B C D E F G A B C D E F G etc...
3.       The octave is divided into ____________ semitones or half steps. 
a.       12
4.       The half steps that make up the octave constitute what is known as the ________________ scale.
a.       Chromatic
5.       Two half steps makes a ____________________
a.       Whole step
6.       In Western music, the first tone of the scale is the __________________, or the home base to which the music gravitates.
a.       Tonic
7.       The formula for building a MAJOR scale is:
a.       W W H W W W H
8.       The formula for building a MINOR scale is
a.       W H W W H W W
9.        What is a diatonic melody?
a.       In diatonic music, both the melody and the harmony are firmly rooted in the key.  
10.   What does chromatic mean?
a.       Color
11.   What is a chromatic melody?
a.       Melody that introduces other tones that are foreign to the scale, drawing from the full gamut of the twelve half steps that span the octave
12.   This scale is commonly used in some African, Asian, and Native American musics.
a.       Pentatonic

Remember: You will be asked to build MAJOR and MINOR scales so 

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