Friday, September 25, 2015

Chapters 5-7 Study Guide - Test October 1, 2015

1.      What is texture?
2.      How does texture in music compare with the weave of a fabric?
3.      Describe the following:
a.      Monophony
b.      Homophony
c.      Polyphony
4.      What is imitation?
a.      What are two examples of imitation?
5.      What is form in a composition?
6.      Why is form in a composition important?
7.      What are the three basic elements of form?  Name and describe them.
8.      What were are the three types of form in class?  Name and describe them.
9.      What is improvisation?
10. In what type music is improvisation prevalent?
11. What is a theme?
12. What is thematic development?
13. List and describe ways to develop a theme.
14. Explain call-and-response.
15. What is an ostinato pattern?
16. What is tempo?
17. Give the Italian tempo equivalent of the following:
a.      Solemn
b.      Broad
c.      Quite slow
d.      Walking pace
e.      Moderate
f.       Cheerful
g.      Lively
h.      Very fast
18. What are dynamics?
19. Give the Italian dynamic equivalent of the following (include abbreviations and symbols as well)
a.      Very soft
b.      Very loud
c.      Soft
d.      Loud
e.      Medium loud
f.       Medium soft
g.      Growing softer (2 words)
h.      Accented or “forcing”
i.        Growing louder
20. How does tempo and dynamic enhance a composition?

21. Why are most tempo and dynamic markings traditionally given in Italian?

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